Did it ever happen to you that you started reading something and you come across a very familiar word but you feel you only know dictionary meaning and you would like to go deeper into the potential of that word? Today happened to be one of those days for me, the word for me was ‘Attitude’.
What I was looking for was what is my attitude to life? Where it came from? How I go about changing it if it needs to be changed and most importantly how do I know what is my attitude?
While it was almost twelve hours in and I was
still surfing online getting around few articles, but clearly heading nowhere.
Right around that time I sat on my twelve-year-old daughter’s study table and happened
to see her board with few sticky notes placed on it. It read ‘Family is a gift’
‘Enjoy blooming in life’ ‘You can do it' ‘Everything is possible’ ‘Never give
up’. And there it was in front of me an example what is her attitude towards
life, towards things that happen around her, an example of what exactly is
working in her sub-conscious.
At that moment I realized easiest way to connect to
one’s attitude is to just observe words that stick around one’s mind, inside
like these sticky notes. Find them and one would know what is one’s true
attitude to life, to things, to events, everything.
Attitude is the sum total of our character, believes,feelings, thoughts and actions. In fact I would say it is our check point. If there is any area of your life you would like to see change in check your attitude.
What we are always looking for is the attitude that we cherish in children, attitude of positivity, hope, gratitude. Time to check our sticky notes.
So, what are your sticky notes saying?
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