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Showing posts from April, 2022

Embracing the Power of Pause: Nurturing Creativity in a Busy World

  As a child, I often rode through rice fields, watching small plants shooting up from still water. I'd marvel at the patience farmers must have for the entire growth process. Looking back now, I realize the universal law of pause is fundamental to life. In these pauses, we discover the beauty unfolding in every experience. Yet, in today's world, we're constantly seeking distractions. Even for our children, we fill their schedules to keep them occupied, with toys, activities, and screens. This constant stimulation prevents them from learning how to pause and appreciate. Our brains are shaped by our early environment, but it's equally vital to provide opportunities for them to understand the power of pause. Instead of rushing to entertain your child, take them for a walk to experience the beauty around them. Star or cloud gazing can be another enriching activity. Sitting quietly and listening to a beautiful song together can also foster appreciation. So, take a pause, ...

Preschooler's Snack Breaks: More Than Just Munching Moments

I can vividly recall the first time I left my three-year-old alone in his preschool. It felt like my heart sank inside me. A thousand questions raced through my mind: What if he needs something? Who will feed him? What if another child hurts him? Today, he's a 17-year-old young man who tells me, "Take a break, you need rest. I'll take care of things." It's amazing how parents grow alongside their children. When our children start going to preschool alone, they're confronted with new people, environments, and routines. For parents, it's one of the most anxiety-inducing experiences. Having been in the preschool environment for almost two decades now, I've seen that children take a day or two to realize they're safe and can have fun in this new environment. However, it takes much longer for us as adults to trust and have faith in the caregivers. Every moment in these environments teaches children something or lays the foundation for their future life....